with attachment
08/10,周六,9AM-4PM报名:tydp2013. eventbrite.com,
@Stanford Park Hotel, 100 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, CA 94025, 650.330.2779
- 升学,加州大学总校招生总监演讲(加大本科生招生)
- 科研,著名物理学家张首晟教授演讲(选题、科研方法等)
- 创业,创业家/投资家论坛( Yahoo何以3千万美金并购17岁高中生的初创公司)
Keynote Speakers:
1, 张首晟教授,美国物理学会会士(2006年)、美国文理科学院院士(2011年)、美国斯坦福大学教授、清华大学高等研究院教授。提出的"量子自旋霍尔效应"被《科学》杂志评为2007年"全球十大重要科学突破"之一。由于量子自旋霍尔效应和拓扑绝缘体上的成果,张教授获得2013国际基础物理学前沿奖,2012国际理论物理学领域最高奖"狄拉克奖",2012年美国物理学会颁发的凝聚态物理最高奖"奥利弗·巴克利奖",2010年欧洲物理学会颁发的"欧洲物理奖"。张教授15岁上大学,32岁成为斯坦福正教授。张教授的儿子当年同时获哈佛、耶鲁、麻省理工、普林斯顿、斯坦福等名校录取。张首晟教授也满怀热情鼓励留学生创新。
Prof. Shoucheng Zhang is fellow of the America Physics Society, fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He is the JG Jackson and CJ Wood professor of physics at Stanford University, Professor at Tsinghua University Institute for Advanced Study. He is a condensed matter theorist known for his work on topological insulators, spintronics and high temperature superconductivity. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He received the Guggenheim fellowship in 2007, the Alexander von Humboldt research prize in 2009, the Europhysics prize in 2010 and the Oliver Buckley prize in 2012, the Dirac Medal and Prize in 2012, and Physics Frontier Prize 2013 for his theoretical prediction of the quantum spin Hall effect and topological insulators.
Prof. Zhang gave invited talks at 240 international conferences, workshops and colloquia, including the prestigious Einstein, Bohr and Ehrenfest colloquia, and plenary
talks at some of the most prestigious international conferences.
2, 中国驻旧金山总领馆 徐永吉教育参赞
3, 加州大学总校 招生总监, Mr. Michael Trevino
4, 武岳峰资本创始合伙人、展讯通讯创始人,武平博士
Judges and Panelists:
Thomas Gold教授, Berkeley加大
王金林:Answers.com CTO/工程副总裁
吴 军:原腾讯副总裁
赵福勇:Sensys Network副总裁,亚太区GM
1, 张首晟教授,美国物理学会会士(2006年)、美国文理科学院院士(2011年)、美国斯坦福大学教授、清华大学高等研究院教授。提出的"量子自旋霍尔效应"被《科学》杂志评为2007年"全球十大重要科学突破"之一。由于量子自旋霍尔效应和拓扑绝缘体上的成果,张教授获得2013国际基础物理学前沿奖,2012国际理论物理学领域最高奖"狄拉克奖",2012年美国物理学会颁发的凝聚态物理最高奖"奥利弗·巴克利奖",2010年欧洲物理学会颁发的"欧洲物理奖"。张教授15岁上大学,32岁成为斯坦福正教授。张教授的儿子当年同时获哈佛、耶鲁、麻省理工、普林斯顿、斯坦福等名校录取。张首晟教授也满怀热情鼓励留学生创新。
Prof. Shoucheng Zhang is fellow of the America Physics Society, fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He is the JG Jackson and CJ Wood professor of physics at Stanford University, Professor at Tsinghua University Institute for Advanced Study. He is a condensed matter theorist known for his work on topological insulators, spintronics and high temperature superconductivity. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He received the Guggenheim fellowship in 2007, the Alexander von Humboldt research prize in 2009, the Europhysics prize in 2010 and the Oliver Buckley prize in 2012, the Dirac Medal and Prize in 2012, and Physics Frontier Prize 2013 for his theoretical prediction of the quantum spin Hall effect and topological insulators.
Prof. Zhang gave invited talks at 240 international conferences, workshops and colloquia, including the prestigious Einstein, Bohr and Ehrenfest colloquia, and plenary
talks at some of the most prestigious international conferences.
2, 中国驻旧金山总领馆 徐永吉教育参赞
3, 加州大学总校 招生总监, Mr. Michael Trevino
4, 武岳峰资本创始合伙人、展讯通讯创始人,武平博士
Judges and Panelists:
Thomas Gold教授, Berkeley加大
王金林:Answers.com CTO/工程副总裁
吴 军:原腾讯副总裁
赵福勇:Sensys Network副总裁,亚太区GM
马文翔:Arena Solution执行副总裁
Maria Zhang: Sr. Director, Yahoo Mobile. Joined Yahoo through acquisition of Alike. Now works with 17-year-old Nick D'Aloisio, the founder of Summly acquired by Yahoo for $30m.
Maria Zhang: Sr. Director, Yahoo Mobile. Joined Yahoo through acquisition of Alike. Now works with 17-year-old Nick D'Aloisio, the founder of Summly acquired by Yahoo for $30m.
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